In the future, China will continue to dominate the global luxury market. With the price adjustment of luxury products, the strategy of putting consumers first will be launched.Then Chinese consumers will increasingly want to buy luxury goods at home.flexible led strip for costumes,hip hop performance costume.
“The global luxury industry will continue its’ new normal ‘growth this year, with China continuing to dominate.In other regions, geopolitical uncertainty will have an impact on travel consumption patterns, possibly leading to a return of Chinese consumers and increased frequency of consumption at home.Overall, we are seeing solid growth in most markets.”Bruno said.(bain global partner)
And the Chinese market has occupied a dominant position for many years. According to China luxury market research, the overall sales volume of China’s luxury market in 2018 exceeded the record growth in 2017, and the growth rate has reached 20% for two consecutive years.boys dance led costume,bollywood dance costumes,suit dance costume,glow in the dark suits.
In terms of e-commerce, Luxury goods are also very active, including three emerging Luxury online ecosystems, including the ecosystem built around the official website of the brand, the ecosystem formed by jd /Toplife/Farfetch/ secu, and the ecosystem formed by alibaba/Tmall Luxury channel Luxury Pavilion/YNAP (Yoox net-a-porter)/glamour.led glow costumes,party city led costumes,carnival dance costume,led lights ballet costumes.
Post time: Aug-06-2019